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Inserting/Adding OutWit Patterns

Dashboard >> Editor >> ‘+’ Toolbar (Top Left) >> Patterns >> Select OutWit from the dropdown menu >> Add/Insert OutWit Patterns accordingly

Patterns in OutWit

Patterns in OutWit are predefined list of in built sections. Patterns are built with different type of blocks.

You can easily add patterns in any part of your website.
You will just have to click on ‘+’ sign on top left of your page or post, then you will see tab for “Pattern” click on that to see list of patterns. Under Scroll Down you will find “OutWit” which will display list of our OutWit pattern

Pattern are group of blocks. Once a pattern is added in editor, they are now individual blocks that can be moved edited or replaced. The pattern stops being pattern as soon as it placed in the editor. The content of patterns are always saved even if the users switches theme. It might look different in different themes.

How to Open Site Editor?

If you are on WordPress Dashboard then go to Appearance -> Editor to open the Site Editor.
If you are on Site Frontend then you will see WP Admin Bar on the top of the page, click on “Edit Site” to open the Site Editor.

Patterns in OutWit

There are 28 Patterns in OutWit.

    1. 404 Header With Background
    2. 404 Header
    3. Archive Header With Background
    4. Archive Header
    5. Best Seller
    6. Blog Header With Background
    7. Featured Content
    8. Footer
    9. Footer With Four Columns
    10. Footer With Three Columns
    11. Header
    12. Header With Cart Banner
    13. Header With Cart
    14. 404 Content
    15. Modern Header With Cart Banner
    16. Modern Header With Cart
    17. Post Header With Background
    18. Post Header
    19. Product Sidebar
    20. Promo Section
    21. Recent Blog
    22. Review
    23. On Sale Product
    24. Search Header With Background
    25. Search Header
    26. Shop By Category
    27. Shop Header
    28. Shop
    29. Sidebar

Add and Edit Menu

You can Select predefined menu and create you own customized menu.
This video shows how to select predefined menu:

1. This Video show how to create your own custom menu:

2. This video shows how to select predefined menu:

Site Navigation Menu

Please visit this link for Navigation Block. You can edit existing menu or create a new one.

How to work with OutWit Blocks and Patterns?

After opening site editor, there are 3 ways you can add Blocks and Pattern in you website:

There are three ways to add a block using the Block Inserter (+) icon.

  1. Click on the Block inserter (+) icon in the top toolbar and Click on Patterns. Browse the Patterns and select the one that you like to add.
  2. Click on the Block inserter (+) icon to the right of an empty block, after that Click on the Browse All button, and finally Click on Patterns. Browse the Patterns and select the one that you like to add.
  3. Click on the Block inserter (+) icon in between blocks, after that Click on the Browse All button, and finally Click on Patterns. Browse the Patterns and select the one that you like to add.

Once the section is selected you can edit its content or if you want to customize the section’ properties/options, click the three dots and select your desired action. Duplicate, Remove, Copy or Add desired section before or after the current section.

Go to this link to know more about adding blocks and patterns

WooCommerce Block supported patterns

OutWit supports WooCommerce Blocks. You will have to install and activate WooCommerce Plugin to use these pattern. You can add Featured Products in these patterns.
Here are the patterns that supports WooCommerce Blocks:

  1. Product Sidebar
  2. Shop By Category
  3. Product Sidebars
  4. On Sale Product
  5. Shop Header
  6. Review

Further instruction about WooCommerce Block supported patterns are below

How to add WooCommerce products category to the pattern?

OutWit supports WooCommerce blocks, in the above mentioned pattern you can add the products category and descriptions along with button that redirects to the products.
After activating theme, by default few patterns that supports WooCommerce will be activated. You can choose WooCommerce Featured product patterns directly from the pattern.
Here is how you display featured category to the pattern:

  1. Drag and drop the pattern you want to add in the section or click on “+” Sign and add desired pattern
  2. After adding WooCommerce supported pattern you will find “Featured Category” option you can search the category of the product you want to display and add
  3. Finally click on done and Save changes

On Sale Products

OutWit - On Sale Products

On Sale Product pattern allows you to display the products that are in sale. It will automatically display the products that are added on sale.
Here is how you add On Sale Products pattern:

  1. Click on “+” sign on the top bar to display Blocks and Pattern, Click on Pattern
  2. Select “OutWit” to see list of pattern provided by OutWit
  3. Scroll down and to find “On Sale Products”, click to add Latest Review on your website or drag and drop
  4. For advance settings, click on setting button on top right to edit Layout(columns and rows), enable disable product image, product title, product price, product rating, add to cart button and so on
  5. By default there is 3 columns and 1 row (maximum 6)
  6. Finally, click Save to save changes

Shop By Category

OutWit - Shop By Category

Shop By Category is also a WooCommerce supported pattern, here you can add different categories of your product and the products that fall in certain category will be displayed.
Here is how you add Shop By Category pattern:

  1. Click on “+” sign on the top bar to display Blocks and Pattern, Click on Pattern
  2. Select “OutWit” to see list of pattern provided by OutWit
  3. Scroll down and to find “Shop By Category”, click to add Shop By Category on your website or drag and drop
  4. After you add the pattern you will find sections where you can select the categories, click check box to add the category in sections
  5. For advanced setting, click on setting button top right, there you can edit content, media setting
  6. Finally, click Save to save changes

Products Sidebar

OutWit - Product Sidebar

Product Sidebar pattern allows you to select and display product category along with the list of category in sidebar.

  1. Click on “+” sign on the top bar to display Blocks and Pattern, Click on Pattern
  2. Select “OutWit” to see list of pattern provided by OutWit
  3. Scroll down and to find “Product Sidebars”, click to add Product Sidebars on your website or drag and drop
  4. To add category with sidebar, go to the front end of the page and select the category you wish to add in shop
  5. Finally, click Save to save changes


Review pattern allows you to display review of the product or service you provide. You can showcase positive feedback received to gain trust among new customer. After adding this pattern the products that have reviews will be displayed automatically.
Here is how you add Review pattern:

  1. Click on “+” sign on the top bar to display Blocks and Pattern, Click on Pattern
  2. Select “OutWit” to see list of pattern provided by OutWit
  3. Scroll down and to find “Review”, click to add Review on your website or drag and drop
  4. For advance settings, click on setting button on top right to Content (Product name, Product rating, Reviewer Name, Image, Review Date, Review Content), order Reviews by (Most recent, highest rating, lowest rating), starting number of reviews and so on
  5. By default there are the 3 of reviews of product shown you can show feedback of 20 maximum
  6. Finally, click Save to save changes

Patterns supported by OutWit

Header Patterns

There are different headers provided by OutWit. Here are the list of headers. You can choose header according to your need.

  1. 404 Header With Background
  2. 404 Header
  3. Archive Header With Background
  4. Archive Header
  5. Header
  6. Header With Cart

Here is how you add header to website:

  1. Click on “+” sign on block pattern tab to display Blocks and Pattern, Click on Pattern
  2. Click select “OutWit” to see list of pattern provided by OutWit
  3. Scroll down to find 8 different type of header(mentioned above), click to add desired header or drag and drop
  4. After adding header, Click on Top left setting icon there you can edit the sections
  5. Edit Header Accordingly you can add, images, text, cover and so on
  6. Finally, click “Save” to save changes

Featured Content

OutWit - Featured Content

OutWit supports Featured content pattern, this pattern can be used to highlight the desired content with description and image.
Here is how you add it to your website:

  1. Click on “+” sign on block pattern tab to display Blocks and Pattern, Click on Pattern
  2. Select “OutWit” to see list of pattern provided by OutWit
  3. Scroll down to find Featured Content, click to add desired area or drag and drop
  4. After adding About us you can edit its text, replace image according to you need
  5. After adding Featured Content you can edit its text, replace image and change stats according to you need
  6. For more advance option click on top left setting icon, there you can change Media & Text Setting, Media Width, Color
  7. Finally, click “Save” to save changes

Footer With Four Columns

OutWit - Footer With Four Columns

The Footer With Four Columns pattern allows you to insert a section that you can display right above your default footer. In the pattern, by default, there are four columns and you can use the columns to add quick information, useful links, recent posts and also your contact info including your social icons.

  1. Click on “+” sign on the top bar to display Blocks and Pattern, Click on Pattern
  2. Select “OutWit” to see list of pattern provided by OutWit
  3. Scroll down and to find “Footer With Four Columns”, click to add Footer With Four Columns on your website or drag and drop
  4. Edit Footer With Four Columns accordingly by changing text, social links, add recent posts
  5. Finally click Save, to save changes

How to to duplicate sections?

Duplicate section can be used if you want add similar section in your pattern.
For Example: If you want to add one more column in between your Featured Content Duplicate section can be used, as it will create similar section and you can edit the content accordingly.

Duplicate section is very easy step to add on particular sections in your pattern. It can be done in two ways via Clicking on content or Table of content (List View)

  • Step of Duplication By Clicking on content:
    1. Add the desired pattern, then click on the section you want to duplicate
    2. Click on the section you want to duplicate, after clicking tool bar will open and click the three buttons
    3. After clicking on the three dots menu on the tool bar, click on the “Duplicate” option to replicate your desired section or design
    4. Edit the section accordingly
    5. Click on “Save” button to save your changes
  •  Steps of Duplication by using List View
  1. Add the desired pattern, then click on the section you want to duplicate
  2. Open the “List View” tab from top tool bar, to open the table of content
  3. Scroll down to the section that you want to duplicate
  4. Click on three dots menu and select “Duplicate” option to replicate your desired section or design
  5. Edit the section accordingly
  6. Click on “Save” button to save your changes

Templates in OutWit

OutWit eCommerce WordPress Block Theme Templates

Templates in OutWit

You can find 28 Templates provided by OutWit. You can customize these templates if you feel like changing anything on a certain template and wish to see those changes across your site.

  1. 404: Displays when no content is found
  2. Archive: Displays post categories, tags, and other archives
  3. Archive Product
  4. Blank: The blank template can be used for displaying the contents of a post or page
  5. Blog Page (No Sidebar Full Width)
  6. Blog Page(Sidebar on Left): Display latest posts with a sidebar on the left side of the site
  7. Blog Page(Sidebar on Right): Display latest posts with a sidebar on the right side of the site
  8. Front Page: Display the homepage
  9. Home: Displays posts on the homepage, or on the Posts page if a static homepage is set
  10. Index: Displays Posts
  11. Page: Displays a single page
  12. Product Search Results
  13. Search: Displays search results
  14. Shop With Full Width
  15. Shop With No Sidebar
  16. Shop (Sidebar on Left)
  17. Shop (Sidebar on Right)
  18. Single
  19. Single Page(No Sidebar Full Width)
  20. Single Page (Sidebar on Right)
  21. Single Post (No Sidebar Full Width)
  22. Single Post (Sidebar on Left)
  23. Shop (Sidebar on Right)
  24. Single Product
  25. Product by Attribute
  26. Product by Category
  27. Products by Tag

Template Parts in OutWit

OutWit eCommerce WordPress Block Theme Template Parts

There are 16 Template Parts in OutWit.

  1. All Products
  2. Footer
  3. Footer With Four Columns
  4. Footer With Three Columns
  5. Header
  6. Header Transparent With Search Cart
  7. Header With Banner
  8. Header With Cart
  9. Header With Cart Banner
  10. Mini Cart
  11. Modern Header With Cart
  12. Modern Header With Cart Banner
  13. Page Content
  14. Post Content
  15. Products Sidebar
  16. Sidebar